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Care Recipient Profile Management: Video & Guide
Care Recipient Profile Management: Video & Guide

How to create and manage care recipient (client) profiles inside Careswitch.

Updated over a week ago

Video Highlights

00:00 Introduction

00:12 Settings Review

01:18 Care Recipient Table Management

02:43 Profile Tab Review

02:58 Overtime Policy Override

04:01 Payment Information & Verification

05:18 Activity Feed

05:44 Services Highlight

06:23 Documents

06:52 Schedule

07:40 Invoices Highlight

08:28 Connections

09:42 Tag Management

09:52 Care Recipient Archival

10:14 Support & Feedback

Care Recipient Management How-To Guide

00:12 Settings Review

  • Role Permission Sets:

    1. Access the Settings section of the platform.

    2. Locate Role Permission Sets. Here you can manage what sections of the care recipient profile each role you've created in the system can access.

    3. Under "Profile Permissions" and "Care Recipients," customize access levels for each role. Options include:

      • Manage: Grants full edit permissions to the section.

      • View: Permits viewing but restricts editing rights.

      • None: Hides the section entirely from the role.

  • Profile Tags:

    1. Remain in the Settings section.

    2. Navigate to Profile Tags. This feature allows for customization to align with your organization's needs.

    3. Create custom tags, each with a unique description and color for easy identification and filtering of care recipients.

01:18 Care Recipient Table Management

  • Filtering:

    1. Use the filter to view:

      • Active care recipients only

      • Active and Archived care recipients

      • Archived care recipients only

    2. Further filter the list by:

      • Tag: Select from your predefined tags to narrow down the list.

      • Connection: Filter by connections you've established between care recipients and other individuals in the workspace, like supervisors, caregivers, or contacts.

  • Display Customization:

    1. Control the visible columns in the care recipient table using the display settings.

    2. Scroll through available columns to choose which ones to show or hide.

  • Sorting:

    1. Click on any column header to sort the table alphabetically or numerically by that category.

  • Profiles vs. Services Toggle:

    1. Switch between viewing Profiles, showing care recipient names, or Services, displaying active service lines associated with each care recipient.

02:43 Profile Tab Review

  • Accessing a Profile: Clicking on a care recipient's name in the table opens their individual profile.

  • Tab Visibility: The tabs displayed within a profile are determined by the Role Permission Sets configured earlier.

  • Profile Tab Sections: The Profile tab is the first tab in a care recipient's profile and contains the following sections:

    • Personal Info: This section houses basic information about the care recipient that can be edited if needed. You can add a photo of the care recipient here.

    • Payroll Information: This section is relevant for agencies that need to override the default overtime policy for an individual care recipient. It emphasizes the importance of compliance with local wage and hour laws, particularly overtime rules.

    • Self-Pay Information: This section is used if the care recipient is responsible for their own billing. Make sure to input a valid email address here to send invoices.

02:58 Overtime Policy Override

  • Default Overtime Policy: The platform operates with a default overtime policy set at the workspace level in Settings.

  • Overriding the Default:

    1. If a care recipient requires a different overtime policy than the workspace default, navigate to the Payroll Info section of the Profile tab.

    2. Find the Overtime Policy Override option. By default, this is set to "No.".

    3. Switch from "No" to "Yes" to enable adjustments.

    4. Once overridden, you can select from various overtime calculation options and customize the hours to comply with local regulations.

04:01 Payment Information & Verification

  • Self-Pay Section: This functionality is located within the Self-Pay Information section of the Profile tab.

  • Invoice Customization:

    1. Edit options such as invoice frequency, days until due, and the invoicing method (electronic or manual).

    2. If using electronic invoicing, select either credit card or ACH as the payment method.

    3. If using manual invoicing, choose between paper check or wire transfer.

  • Verifying Payment Methods:

    1. Click on the "Start Verification" option. This action will open a form corresponding to the chosen invoicing method.

    2. ACH Verification: For ACH, most users will manually enter the routing and account numbers. However, there is an instant bank linking option if the care recipient is physically present.

    3. Credit Card Verification: Changing the invoicing method to credit card will prompt a different verification field for credit card details.

05:18 Activity Feed

  • Purpose: The Activity Feed provides a chronological record of all comments and actions related to the care recipient.

  • Viewing Entries: Hover over entries to see the exact date and time they were added.

  • Adding Notes: Use the Activity Feed for general notes or to track communication preferences. However, sensitive information should be documented elsewhere, and access to the Activity Feed should be restricted for relevant roles.

05:44 Services Highlight

  • Accessing Services: This section is accessible through the dedicated Services tab on the care recipient's profile.

  • Service Management: The video provides a high-level overview of the Services tab, noting that a separate in-depth training will be provided on service line management.

  • Multiple Services: You can add and manage multiple service lines for a single care recipient.

  • Service-Specific Documents: Each service line has its own document section for storing related files.

06:23 Documents

  • Profile-Level Documents: In addition to service-specific documents, there is a general Documents section on the care recipient's profile for broader documents, like a driver's license, photos, or the service agreement.

06:52 Schedule

  • Schedule Tab: This tab provides a visual representation of the care recipient's schedule.

  • Viewing Shifts:

    1. See past, current, and future shifts.

    2. Click on a shift to view its details.

  • Creating New Shifts:

    1. Utilize the "Create with Assistant" button to open the Looper tool, which simplifies scheduling by using existing care recipient data.

    2. Looper will prompt you for any additional information needed to generate new shifts.

    3. Input data manually, use voice commands via the microphone button, or access the Shifts table for alternative scheduling methods.

07:40 Invoices Highlight

  • Invoice Tab: This tab, found on the care recipient's profile, is dedicated to managing invoices.

  • Viewing Invoices:

    1. Click on an invoice date range to access its details.

  • Invoice Actions:

    1. Send: Click "Send Invoice" to deliver the invoice to the email address associated with the care recipient's profile. The invoice content will reflect the service agreement's details.

    2. Charge Now: If a payment method is saved on file, you can directly charge the care recipient, but ensure this aligns with the service agreement.

    3. Download: Download the invoice and corresponding care notes for offline access.

08:28 Connections

  • Connections Tab: Navigate to the Connections tab on the care recipient's profile to manage their relationships with other individuals and organizations within the system.

  • Types of Connections: Connect care recipients to:

    • Other Care Recipients: Useful for linking family members or individuals residing together.

    • Employees: Specify roles like the case manager, primary caregiver, backup caregiver, or preferred caregivers. Add notes to these connections to provide context or instructions.

    • Contacts: This could be family members, healthcare providers, or any other relevant individual or organization.

  • Creating New Contacts: Add new contacts directly from the Connections tab if they don't already exist in your system. You can designate them as payers and input payment details like you would for a self-pay client.

09:42 Tag Management

  • Adding Tags:

    1. Go to the care recipient's profile and locate the Tags section.

    2. Click "Add Tag" and select from your list of predefined tags to categorize the care recipient.

    3. You can apply multiple tags to a single care recipient.

09:52 Care Recipient Archival

  • Archival Process:

    1. Locate the three dots icon in the corner of the care recipient's profile.

    2. Clicking these dots reveals the option to archive the profile.

  • Archival Consequences: Archiving a profile will automatically end any in-progress services and permanently delete future scheduled shifts, so use this action cautiously.

10:14 Support & Feedback

  • Support Button: For assistance, click the "Support" button to send a message to the Careswitch support team.

  • Help Section: Access relevant help articles and videos.

  • What's New: Stay informed about recent updates and feature additions.

  • Roadmap & Feedback: Share suggestions or feature requests to help enhance the platform.

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