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Scheduling Basics: Video & Guide
Scheduling Basics: Video & Guide

Creating, managing, and canceling shifts manually and with Looper. Plus, Rate modifiers, Profitability Calculators, and Matching Criteria.

Updated over a week ago

Video Highlights

0:00 Settings Review

0:30 Rate Modifiers

1:15 Profitability Calculators

2:11 Shift Calendar View

2:54 Notifying Caregivers of Incomplete Shifts

3:13 Offline Mode Clock-In Explanation

4:03 Cancelling shifts

4:25 Shift Activity Feed

5:03 Creating Shifts

6:37 Caregiver Matching

8:40 Scheduling for Profitability

9:42 Scheduling vs. Offering vs. Tentative Scheduling

10:52 Editing Existing Shifts

Scheduling Basics How-to Guide

0:00 Settings Review

  • This section introduces users to settings relevant to scheduling in the Care Switch system.

  • It explains how to control data access levels for different roles in your organization.

    1. Go to Workspace Permissions and select Shifts.

    2. Choose the appropriate access level: Manage (create and edit), View, or None.

0:30 Rate Modifiers

  • This section highlights the platform's flexibility in customizing pay and bill rates.

  • Holidays: The system has pre-entered holidays, allowing users to edit existing entries and modify associated pay and bill rate multipliers.

  • Custom Modifiers: Users can create custom pay and bill rate modifiers.

    1. Click the top right corner to create a new modifier.

    2. Name the modifier, choose the modifier type (multiplier, add to rate, or add to total), and specify the amount.

  • Managing Modifiers: Users can view, edit (name, type, amount), or delete existing custom modifiers.

1:15 Profitability Calculators

  • This section emphasizes how the platform helps users make informed scheduling decisions to optimize profitability.

  • Financial Targets: Users can set financial targets that will be visible to the team during scheduling.

  • Net Profit Calculations:

    1. Create multiple net profit calculators, naming each appropriately (e.g., Weekday Daytime, Weekend Overnight).

    2. Choose the applicable shift methods for each calculator.

    3. Specify if the calculator applies to all payers or a specific payer only.

    4. Add deductions as either a fixed amount or a percentage.

    5. Set your target profit as a fixed amount or percentage.

  • Gross Profit Calculations: Users have the flexibility to set a single gross profit target for all shifts or create specific targets for different shift types, similar to net profit calculations.

2:11 Shift Calendar View

  • Calendar View: The primary view for scheduling, displaying shifts on a calendar interface.

  • Table View: Users can toggle to a table view for a different perspective on shift data (covered in a separate training).

  • Display Options: Toggle between viewing by Care Recipients or Employees.

2:54 Notifying Caregivers of Incomplete Shifts

  • Identifying Incomplete Shifts: Incomplete shifts, where the scheduled time has passed without clock-in or clock-out, are indicated by a red square on the calendar.

  • Notifying Caregivers:

    1. Click on the red square representing the incomplete shift.

    2. Choose to notify the assigned caregiver via push notification, text message, or email.

3:13 Offline Mode Clock-In Explanation

  • When a shift is displayed in pink, this indicates the absence of a clock-in but doesn't necessarily mean a caregiver missed a shift.

  • Offline Mode: Caregivers can use the mobile app's offline mode to clock in and out, even without internet access.

  • Data Syncing: Clock-in and clock-out data will synchronize with the system when the caregiver regains internet connectivity.

4:03 Cancelling Shifts

  • Canceling a Shift:

    1. Locate the shift you need to cancel on the calendar.

    2. Click on the shift to open its details.

    3. Click the three dots icon at the top of the shift details.

    4. Select Cancel and provide a reason for cancellation.

  • Canceled Shift Indicator: Canceled shifts appear in a light brown color on the calendar.

4:25 Shift Activity Feed

  • Automatic Updates: The activity feed automatically logs scheduling actions (scheduling, assigning, cancellations, changes to assigned caregiver) performed within the system.

  • Manual Notes: Users can add manual notes to the activity feed to provide context or additional information.

5:03 Creating Shifts

  • Create Button: Initiate the shift creation process by clicking the Create button.

  • Looper Assistant: The platform offers an AI-powered assistant, Looper, to streamline scheduling.

  • Using Looper:

    1. Click "Create with Assistant" to activate Looper.

    2. Input scheduling details either by typing or using voice commands via the microphone button.

    3. Looper will process the input, check for completeness and clarity, and prompt for clarification if needed.

    4. Once confirmed, Looper will add the shifts to the calendar.

  • Unassigned Shift Indicator: Newly created and unassigned shifts appear in orange on the calendar.

6:37 Caregiver Matching

  • Caregiver Matching Options: The platform provides two primary methods for matching caregivers to shifts:

    • Direct Questioning (Specific Needs):

      1. If you need a caregiver with a specific skill or attribute, click the Ask Looper button and phrase your query, such as, "Which caregivers have experience with CPAP machines?"

      2. Looper will analyze caregiver profiles and return results that match the specified criteria.

    • Recommended Caregiver (Overall Best Fit):

      1. If you need a well-rounded match considering various factors, click into an unassigned shift on the calendar.

      2. The unassigned shift will display No Caregiver. Click the three dots in this box and then Configure Assignment.

      3. Select "Recommend Caregiver." The system's AI will analyze caregiver data, including availability, skills, experience, and other matching criteria, to suggest suitable candidates.

  • Matching Insights: The matching tool provides insights into why a caregiver is recommended or potentially unsuitable, considering factors like availability, experience, pay rate, overtime status, and potential scheduling conflicts.

8:40 Scheduling for Profitability

  • Profitability Projections: When reviewing recommended caregivers, the system displays projections from your predefined profit targets, allowing you to see the potential financial impact of assigning a particular caregiver to the shift. Profitability updates based on the caregiver selection.

9:42 Scheduling vs. Offering vs. Tentative Scheduling

  • Scheduling Options: The platform offers three distinct scheduling options when finalizing caregiver assignments:

    • Scheduling: This option automatically adds the shift to the selected caregiver's schedule with no further action needed.

    • Offering: This option sends a notification to the caregiver's app, allowing them to accept or decline the offered shift.

    • Tentatively Blocking: This option blocks the caregiver's schedule for the selected shift without notifying them, providing a way to reserve a caregiver pending confirmation or further actions.

  • Shift Selection: When assigning shifts, you can choose to assign the current shift only, the current shift and all following shifts, or the current shift and all following unassigned shifts.

10:52 Editing Existing Shifts

  • Accessing Shift Edits:

    1. Locate the shift you want to edit on the calendar.

    2. Click on the shift to open its details.

  • Editing with Looper:

    1. Click "Edit with Assistant" to use Looper for modifications.

    2. Communicate the desired changes to Looper using natural language, specifying what to modify (date, time, bill rate, modifiers, calculator).

    3. Looper will process the request and update the shift accordingly.

  • Manual Editing: The platform allows manual shift editing, offering options to remove and reassign employees, send messages, and adjust times and bill modifiers.

  • Editing Completed Shifts: Users can edit past shifts up until they are added to an invoice. This includes modifying billable and payable information, such as rates and times.

  • Activity Feed: The activity feed automatically logs all shift edits, indicating whether the changes were made manually or using Looper.

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