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The Basics of Service Line Management: Video & Guide
The Basics of Service Line Management: Video & Guide
Updated over a week ago

0:00 Introduction & Service Line Settings Review

0:42 Benefit to Multiple Service Lines

1:02 Default Service Line

1:30 Shift Methods & Bill Rates

1:50 Creating New Services

2:10 Services Lifecycle Customization

3:07 Live-in Policy Configuration

6:30 Care Recipient Profile Services Detail

6:55 Editing Existing Services

8:35 Changing Service Line Statuses

8:55 Service Start & End Dates

9:19 Service Documents

9:32 Service Billing & Payer Information

11:16 Adding Additional Services

12:04 Support

The Basics of Service Line Management: How-To Guide

0:00 Introduction & Service Line Settings Review

  • Access service line settings: Go to "Settings" and click on "Service Lines".

  • Purpose of service lines: Service lines represent the care services your agency offers to clients.

  • Service name visibility: Clients can see the service names on their invoices. Choose clear and appropriate names.

0:42 Benefit to Multiple Service Lines

  • Bundled vs. multiple services: You can offer a single bundled service with varied bill rates or create distinct service lines.

  • Unique care plans: Different service lines can have specific care plans for different team members, tailoring instructions to the service provided. For example, a care plan for companion care would be different from a care plan for a transportation service.

1:02 Default Service Line

  • Default Service: This serves as a template for all new service lines and the initial setup for new services added to client profiles. You can modify the default settings for individual clients as needed.

1:30 Shift Methods & Bill Rates

  • Access shift methods and bill rates: Click on a service line (e.g., Default - Companion Care example).

  • Shift method options: Hourly, Live-in, or Visit-Based.

  • Multiple bill rates: You can configure multiple bill rates for each shift method.

  • Custom rate names: Give custom names to your shift rates for clarity (e.g., "Weekday Rate", "Weekend Rate").

  • Default rate: The top rate displayed under each method is the default rate applied to new shifts.

1:50 Creating New Services

  • Access service line settings: Go to "Settings" and click on "Service Lines".

  • Click "Create": Located in the top right corner.

  • Name the service: Choose the name to be displayed on invoices for this service.

  • Select shift methods: Choose the applicable shift methods (Hourly, Live-in, Visit-Based).

  • Configure bill rate options: Add and configure different bill rates for each selected shift method.

2:10 Services Lifecycle Customization

  1. Access service lifecycle settings: Go to "Settings" and click on "Lifecycles," then select "Services."

  2. Default categories: The platform provides default categories for service statuses (Opportunity, Qualification, Development, Decision, Enrollment, Active, Transition, Paused, and Inactive).

  3. Customizable statuses:

    1. Adding a status: Click the plus sign next to the category name where you want to add the status. Provide a name, description, and choose a custom color.

    2. Editing a status: Click the three dots next to the existing status you want to modify. You can change the name, description, and color.

3:07 Live-in Policy Configuration

  1. Access live-in policies: Go to "Settings" and scroll down to "Live-In".

  2. Multiple policies allowed: You can create multiple live-in policies to suit your agency's needs.

  3. Policy configuration:

    1. Edit an existing policy: Click the three dots next to the policy and select "Edit".

    2. Policy name: Give your policy a clear name.

    3. Paid work hours: Define the number of paid work hours within a 24-hour live-in shift, considering legal requirements for breaks and sleep. It is your responsibility to make sure your live-in policy is following the labor laws in your jurisdiction.

    4. Days to overtime: Automatically calculated based on the defined paid work hours per day.

  4. Shift rules:

    1. Automatic clock in/out: Requires manual clock-in on the first day and manual clock-out on the last day of consecutive live-in shifts.

    2. Manual clock out daily: Requires manual clock-out at the end of each day, even for consecutive shifts.

  5. Live-in Specific Payable and Billable Time: Optionally override default workspace settings. Choose from Actual Time (clock-in/clock-out), Reported Time, or Scheduled Time. Most agencies prefer reported time, because it allows caregivers to more accurately log their time.

  6. Save the policy: Click "Save" after configuring your policy.

6:30 Care Recipient Profile Services Detail

  • Access the Services tab: Go to the client's profile and click on the "Services" tab. You will be able to see the services, status and other service information here.

6:55 Editing Existing Services

  1. Access service details: Click on the service name within the client's "Services" tab.

  2. Editable fields:

    1. Service name: Click and edit the service name directly.

    2. Service description: Add or modify the service description.

  3. Category (Service type and Shift method):

    1. Changing the service type: Click the current service category to select a different service line.

    2. Applying a new service line template: Check the box to replace all existing policies and rates with those from the new service line template. Leaving it unchecked only changes the service name. The existing forms, documents and historical data will not be affected.

    3. Changing the shift method: Click the current shift method (e.g., "Hourly") to select a different one (e.g., "Live-in") and adjust bill rates accordingly.

    4. Override default rate: Check the box to apply a unique rate for this client while keeping the service line consistent for tracking.

    5. Live-in policy: Choose a live-in policy if changing to a live-in shift method.

    6. Update existing shifts: Check the box to apply the changes to all existing scheduled shifts. If unchecked, changes only apply to newly created shifts.

  4. Properties:

    1. Change service status: Click on "Properties" to access and modify the service status within its lifecycle (e.g., from "Active" to "Paused"). Statuses can be updated in settings under Lifecycles > Services.

    2. Service start and end dates: View or edit the service start and end dates. Leaving the end date blank indicates an indefinite service duration.

  5. Forms:

    1. Access completed forms: View completed forms related to this service (Intake, Assessment, Care Plan). You can generate and complete new versions of the forms as needed.

8:35 Changing Service Line Statuses

  1. Access properties: Within the client's service details, where you see "properties", click on the current status to make a change.

  2. Change status: Select a new status from the available options within the service lifecycle categories (unique to your agency's settings).

8:55 Service Start & End Dates

  1. Access properties: Within the client's service details, following the current service status, you will see the calendar icons with the service start and end dates.

  2. View/Edit dates: View the service start date and edit the end date as needed.

    1. Indefinite service duration: Leaving the end date blank sets the service to continue indefinitely.

9:19 Service Documents

  1. Access service documents: Within the client's service details, locate the "Documents" section. Click "Add" to attach documents.

  2. Service-specific documents: This section houses documents specifically related to the selected service.

    1. Client-level documents: General documents for the client are stored in the client's profile under the "Documents" tab.

9:32 Service Billing & Payer Information

  1. Access billing and payer information: Look for the "Billing and Payer Information" column on the right side of the screen within the client's service details.

  2. Payer:

    1. Manage payer: Click "Manage" to change the payer for the service at any time. You can choose from existing payers in your contact list or add a new payer.

    2. Payer types: Choose from existing contacts in your system or select a different payer type.

    3. Policy information: Enter relevant details like policy authorization and claim numbers when applicable (e.g., for long-term care insurance). This is typically established when care first begins.

  3. Billing:

    1. Edit billing details: Click "Edit" to modify billing information.

    2. Email on file: Update the email address used for sending invoices.

    3. Invoice frequency: Adjust the frequency of invoice generation.

    4. Days until due: Set the payment due date for invoices.

    5. Invoicing method: Select the desired invoicing method.

    6. Payment method: Specify the accepted payment method.

  4. Hourly Rates:

    1. View and edit hourly rates: Review and modify hourly rates pulled from the default template.

    2. Apply unique discounts: Override default rates to provide client-specific discounts.

    3. Update existing shifts: Check the box to apply rate changes to all existing scheduled shifts. Leaving it unchecked applies changes to new shifts only.

  5. Visit-Based Rates: Edit visit-based rates using a similar process.

  6. Live-in Policies: Edit live-in policies associated with the service.

11:16 Adding Additional Services

  1. Access the "Services" tab: Go to the client's profile and navigate to the "Services" tab.

  2. Click "Create New": Initiate the process of adding an additional service.

  3. Configure the new service:

    1. Select the new service from your list of service lines (e.g., "Infusion").

    2. Choose the appropriate shift method (e.g., "Visit-Based").

    3. Adjust bill rates and apply discounts if needed.

    4. Select the payer for this service.

    5. Choose a live-in policy if applicable.

  4. Save the new service: Click "Save" to add the service to the client's profile. The new service will typically default to the "Opportunity" category within the service lifecycle.

  5. Update service status: Mark the service with an appropriate custom status (e.g., "Upsell").

12:04 Support

  • In-app support: If you encounter any issues or have questions, click on "Support" in the bottom left corner to send a message or click "Help" in the bottom right corner to search for specific topics within the platform's help documentation.

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